/    Artistic Research
Encounters with and in the more than human world Assembled through a micro-emotic approach

Photographs of Assemblages and Photographs as Assemblages

Assemblage theories are used as a method and tool to create meaning on human- object relations. They are based on non-linear, rhizomatic thinking. Assemblage as a random group of materials is embodied by the fragile structures in the woods. They are bricolages of materials that are used oblivious to their original purpose, like bed-ends used to create fences. A massive range of material is saved for a later possible use. This bricolage of matter can be seen as a style or attitude that was once rather common but is now vanishing fast from certain touristic areas.

Recent archaeological and anthropological photography theory, developed from photographic discourse on heritage and antiquity, proposes that assemblage- and affect theories can also be applied to photography.

The aim of this work is to find the best possible photographic object that can work as custodian for the structures in the woods of Piemonte, be it analogue postcards or large digital inkjet photographs.